We believe that everyone has something they're naturally good at, something they're passionate about. We believe that we are social beings and that we naturally care about each other. But somewhere along the way of our busy lives, we may have lost track of our sense of direction and purpose. Our priorities and interests may have shifted over time, and we may feel stuck with the uncomfortable feeling of being disconnected from ourselves and from each other - wondering who we really are, where we are going, and what we might be missing out on. The resulting stress and frustration can have a negative impact on our teams, colleagues, and even on our personal lives and health.
It's easy to lose sight of the fact that we always have a choice. At the very least, we have the choice to see a situation from a different perspective. And more often than not, we have the possibility to actually influence and shape our reality. It all starts with self-awareness, resolve and a courageous first step.
The notions of personal purpose and self-determination are at the core of our coaching philosophy. We want to help our clients reconnect with a sense of meaning and direction, to realize that in any situation they have options, and to feel confident and empowered to make decisions and take actions that are aligned with their core values, even if they may not always be the easy ones.
This might not be for everyone. We want to work with people who have the courage to look honestly and deeply into themselves. Who are willing to take responsibility for their choices and their future. And who sincerely care about others and want to make a positive impact. Not everyone will have their name in history books, but everyone can make a difference. What will be your footprint?
Truly embracing your full self, taking responsibility for your choices, and making the conscious decision to live and lead from a place of authenticity is not always easy. You may need to step out of your comfort zone. You may need to take some risks. You may run into some initial setbacks or criticism from those who prefer the status quo. But we believe that the reward is worth it: not only will it allow you to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, but you will also create a ripple effect on those around you. Your energy and your passion will become a source of inspiration for others.
In this journey, your Coach will be your partner, your travel companion. The one who encourages you to think deeper, to consider new perspectives and to find your own resources and creative solutions. Your Coach will support you, challenge you, inspire you to take action to achieve your goals, and hold you accountable. Could you do it alone? Probably. But having a trusted support system in place will help you move forward significantly faster. And it makes the journey a lot less lonely!
Our approach is highly flexible and tailored to each person's situation and needs. However, at a high level we will most likely go through the following phases:
Initial assessment. Where are you today? What's important to you? What are your strengths? What's holding you back?
Goal definition. What do you want to achieve? What will success look like? How will you measure it? How can we design a plan to get there?
"Launch and iterate". This is typically the longest phase of the coaching process. When you move from theory to practice, from goal setting to execution, what happens? What works? What doesn't and needs adjustment? What do you learn in the process?
Integrate, assess and move forward. How do you integrate your new perspectives and behaviors in your daily routines? Did you achieve the goals you had set for yourself? What have you learned? Where do you go from here?
Your Coach will be by your side to help you reflect on yourself and your progress, to challenge you to try new perspectives and approaches, and to encourage you to make sustainable and meaningful changes. Even though we may occasionally offer a point of view or a resource, we are not here to tell you what to do. You are always in the driver's seat when it comes to your life's important decisions. And we trust you can do it!
We conform to the Standards of Ethical Conduct as defined in the Code of Ethics of the International Coach Federation (www.coachfederation.org).